Riunione Annuale 2012

21-23 Giugno 2012 - Arcavacata (Rende-Cosenza)
La riunione annuale GIBB del 2012 si svolgerà presso Arcavacata (Rende-Cosenza) dal 21 al 23 giugno. Il comitato organizzatore è costituto da: C. Indiveri, M. Galluccio, L. Pochini, M. Scalise.


Deadline: May 30, 2012. On-line registration at http://www.gibb-be.org/homepage.htm.
Registration fee (social dinner included): 120,00 Euro (free for students and post-doc)


Oral presentations and abstract submission

Deadline: May 30, 2012. The abstracts, not exceeding one A4 page and with the presenting author name underlined, should be submitted on-line at http://www.gibb-be.org/homepage.htm. Selected oral presentations will last 10 min + 5 min discussion. English will be the official language at the meeting.



People landed in Lamezia Terme International Airport will be picked up by bus (h. 12.00) and brought to Cosenza University.
Return by bus at 15.30.



“Foresteria Socrates” of University of Calabria. Available for not more than 56 people.
Double room: € 20 per person; not available as single room.
Single room: € 25 (only less than ten places).
Reservation, as soon as possible, by e-mail to:
socrates.cresid@unical.it                          specifying” Congress-Indiveri".
“Domus Hotel”  0.5 Km from the meeting site (bus will be available).
Cost of the single room including breakfast € 50.
Cost of the double room including breakfast € 70  (€ 35 per person).
Reservation, as soon as possible, by phone to +39 0984-839652 or by mailing to info@hoteldomusresidence.it 

specifying “Congress-Indiveri”.


Scientific committee

Paolo Bernardi, Nazzareno Capitanio, Francesco Francia, Cesare Indiveri, Paolo Sarti, Giancarlo Solaini, Annamaria Tonazzi, Marco Zancani


Organizing committee

Cesare Indiveri, M. Galluccio, L. Pochini, M. Scalise.

Tel. +39 0984 492939- 492940
Email: indiveri@unical.it  mgalluccio@unical.it  pochini@unical.it  mscalise@unical.it 

Preliminary program


Thursday 21

15:30  Welcome address (Authorities, GIBB President & The Organizing Committee)


Mitochondrial pathophysiology

16:00 Opening Plenary lecture (Prof. Gregersen - Aarhus University Hospital - Denmark)

            Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in inherited fatty acid oxidation defects

16:45  Oral presentations

19:00  End of session welcome cocktail


Friday 22

Mitochondrial pathophysiology

09:00 Oral presentations

10:30  Coffee break

11:00  Oral presentations


13:00  Lunch


Transporter function and structure

14:30  Introductory Lecture (Dr. Lupo - University of Hohenheim - Germany)

            “Molecular Membrane Biology Research - Inputs from Protein Crystallography

15:00  Oral presentations

16:00 Coffee break

16:30  Oral presentations

18:30  GIBB members meeting

19:00 End of section


20:00  Social dinner


Saturday 23

Mitochondrial pharmacology/Redox systems/Other subjects

09:00  Introductory lecture (Dr. Fontaine - Inserm Grenoble - France)

            “Tissue specific regulation of PTP, roles of quinones and complex I

09:30 Oral presentations

10:30  Coffee break

11:00  Oral presentations

13:00 End of meeting - Lunch

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