Riunione annuale GIBB 2011 - ROMA 24-27 Maggio 2011

24-27 Maggio 2011, Roma

The Italian Group of Biomembranes and Bioenergetics celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Chemiosmotic Theory Rome, May 24-27, 2011 CNR - Aula Convegni Piazzale Aldo Moro

Registration Deadline: April 30, 2011. 

Registration fee (social dinner included): 160.00 euro – 120.00 euro (students and post-docs). 

Oral presentations and abstract submission

Deadline: April 30, 2011. The abstracts, not exceeding one A4 page and with the presenting author name underlined, should be submitted on-line at http://www.gibb-be.org. Selected oral presentations will last 10 min + 5 min discussion. English will be the official language at the meeting. 

The Best Western Globus Hotel (Viale Ippocrate 199, Rome – Tel: +39 06 4457001 - http://www.globushotelrome.it/), located nearby the meeting venue, offers single, double and triple rooms at reduced prices. 

Aedes placida (Via Pavia, 23 - 00161 Rome – Tel: +39 06 / +39 06 Fax: +39 06 44.03.927 - http://www.aedesplacida.it/), offers single, double and triple rooms at reduced prices (€ 41, 65 or 88 respectively for PhD students and post-docs; € 44, 74 or 99, respectively for permanent staff).

The period is high season, it is therefore recommended to promptly reserve the accommodation.

Scientific committee Alessandra Baracca, Paolo Bernardi, Nazzareno Capitanio, Vito De Pinto, Francesco Francia, Cesare Indiveri, Paolo Sarti, Marco Zancani 

Organizing committee Marzia Arese, Elena Forte, Daniela Mastronicola, Alessandro Giuffrè and Paolo Sarti. Tel. +39 06 49910944. 

Email: paolo.sarti@uniroma1.it - alessandro.giuffre@uniroma1.it
Preliminary program 

Tuesday 24 
15:15 Welcome address (Authorities, GIBB President & The Organizing Committee)
15:30 Opening (Giovanni Felice Azzone, Univ. Padova / Maurizio Brunori, Sapienza Univ. Rome) 
15:45 Opening lecture (Mårten Wikström, University of Helsinki) 
"The Respiratory Enzyme: Electrons, Protons, Oxygen and Water"
17:00 Get together party
18:30 End of session

Wednesday 25 
09:00 Plenary lecture (Ferdinando Palmieri, University of Bari) 
09:40 Coffee break 
10:15 Oral presentations 
13:00 Lunch 
14:30 David Ferrick (Seahorse Biosciences)
“Metabolic phenotypes in cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases”
15:00 Sponsor time 
15:15 Oral presentations 
16:00 Coffee break 
16:30 Plenary lecture (Giorgio Lenaz, University of Bologna) 
17:10 Oral presentations 
18:30 End of session 

Thursday 26 
09:00 Plenary lecture (Sergio Papa, University of Bari) 
09:40 Coffee break 
10:15 Oral presentations 
13:00 Lunch 
14:30 Sponsor time 
15:15 Oral presentations 
16:00 Coffee break 
16:30 Oral presentations 
17:30 GIBB members meeting 
18:30 End of session 
20:00 Social dinner 

Friday 27 
09:00 Oral presentations 
10:00 Coffee break 
13:00 End of meeting
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