Annual GIBB Meeting

Vieste (FG), June 6-8, 2024

Election of the Executive Committee

Voting closed on October 16th 2023

Voting closed


The primary aim of the Italian Group of Biomembranes and Bioenergetics (GIBB) is to promote Bioenergetics, i.e. the discipline that studies energy transformation at the energy-conserving membranes. Energy conservation is key to all forms of life and its derangements are at the basis of high-prevalence disease states. Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of energy conservation and energy dissipation has major implications for understanding evolution, health and disease.

One of the major goals of GIBB is the training of young scientists. This is reflected also in the unique format of its Annual Meeting, where oral presentations by young scientists are the core of the scientific Program, while the role of established Investigators is to chair sessions and to promote discussion. From 2017 the meeting is open to the International Community.
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via Irnerio 48, I-40126 Bologna